Saturday, 24 September 2016

Would Red be Red If Blue Was Red?

Once there was a man who used to go to a colorful Garden that had many types of flowers. Colorful Roses, Tulips, Jasmines and many others. Many colorful butterflies and flowers lived there in peace and harmony. The man always sat near a bunch of daffodils and would enjoy the Visual music of the Garden.
Once all the yellow Butterflies decided that they would destroy all flowers Other than yellow because they were not of the same color as of their wings.

The man who sat nearby, where they were planning against Other flowers, was listening to the Chief's speech. "Kill them for they are not Like us! Kill Them for whatever they are other than Yellow. It is their fault that they are born Red or Pink. They are the weak races, corrupt by nature. They are Low! they are impure. Kill them for they are not Original. Only Yellow is Original. Only Yellow is the Best of all colors. And Yellow shall prevail."
"My fellow Yellow butterflies! I, the Yellowest of you all, hence the best of you all, declare that Yellow flowers are the only flowers that should continue to live on this land. And once we eliminate all those Other than Yellow, we shall than demand all Other Butterflies to leave this place at once. Or we shall kill them too. For they looked like those Different from us."

The man continued to visit the garden daily till there were no Other flowers found in the garden except whatever that was yellow. Shortly after the disappearance of all colors except Yellow, he noticed a drastic decay in the number of all Other butterflies. Gone were days when the Garden was colorful. It was now Yellow. Only Yellow.

He still visited the garden but not very often now, and whenever he did, he'd leave quickly. One day he was going back after spending a few minutes in the Garden when he heard a few of the Darker Yellow butterflies talking to the Chief about some Lighter Yellow Butterflies and Lighter Daffodils and Dandelions. He knew what they were going to do but left anyways.

A week later when he came he saw all the light Yellow Flowers and Butterflies were "gone". He was devastated as he had nothing to look at, but the Yellow. The daffodils were no more beautiful, they were just too Yellow to look at. The Butterflies too had nothing different. There were arguments about who was More Yellow or Less Yellow in every corner of the lawn. There were no butterflies or flowers anymore, all left there were Rooted Yellows and Winged Yellows. Their Yellowness blinded them to the beauty of diversity and the taste of variety. The man left in utter despair and disappointment. He stopped going to the Garden for sometime.

One day He was passing by the same road. Hope and Curiosity dragged him into the Garden once again. But what he saw was frightening and he immediately regretted going there. He saw the Chief, the Most respectable and Most Yellow of all, sitting weak and lonely. He had no one he could be superior to. No one he could identify with. His Yellowness could not save him from the haunted breeze and hungry birds. There was only one yellow dandelion left that was regretting it's silence.

What once had been a sea of colors and variety, was now a land of dead leaves and dry stems. There was nothing to admire in the Garden anymore. The Yellow Butterflies who thought they were the best and interacting with Others (who seemed 'Low' to them), was against their Superiority destroyed the natural beauty of a Land of mutli-colored origin. Their idea of elimination of Other colors and sense of superiority just because of the color of their wings, led them to eliminate each other and eventually their own selves. The Garden was no more a garden and offered nothing but Barrenness and a Lack of life. As what is Life but (occurance and experience of) continuous Chance